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Welcome to Page My Doctor.
To contact the on call physician for urgent care issues please login.
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passwords must match
LoginPage Heading Text
Welcome to Page My Doctor.
To contact the on call physician for urgent care issues please login.
If this is your first time here, please register your profile.
Popup Message Text
Please confirm that the information below is correct. To change any information, click the Close button. To send this message to the On-Call Provider, click Send.
Completion Message Text
A provider or nurse will call you back within approximately
##Time## minutes
If you do not hear from someone within that time period, Please call our Practice at ##PhoneNumber##. We invite you to read about your concern on our web site while you wait for the provider to call you back.
A confirmation email was sent to your registered email address. Please allow
as a trusted sender in your email.
Email Message Text
Your Page My Doctor message has been sent to the On-Call Provider or nurse for your practice.
Please do not reply to this email. A provider or nurse will contact you shortly regarding your concern. If you do not hear back, please call your practice to speak with a live agent.
Thank you,
RemedyOnCall Answering Service
A provider or nurse will call you back within approximately
##Time## minutes
If you do not hear from someone within that time period, Please call our Practice at ##PhoneNumber##. We invite you to read about your concern on our web site while you wait for the provider to call you back.
A confirmation email was sent to your registered email address. Please allow
as a trusted sender in your email.
Please confirm that the information below is correct. To change any information, click the Close button. To send this message to the On-Call Provider, click Send.
First Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone
Alternative Phone
Relation to Patient
Patient First Name
Patient Last Name
Patient DOB
Primary Care Provider
Office you Visit
Brief Message